TEST : Can you keep a secret?
Monday, September 17, 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Begin with question 1
Q1. You're the first to catch a glimpse of the test result in class. Elisa passed with flying colors, but Jane failed. When the two of them come up to you after school...
A. You manage to speak to each of them in private. (Go to Q2)
B. You immediately blurt out the news to both of them at the
same time. (Go to Q3)
Q2. In class the kids are all wondering why your friend has stopped talking to David. You know the reason...
A. But your lips are sealed. After all, it's their business. (Go to Q4)
B. So you spill the beans. (Go to Q5)
Q3. There's a gossip hound spreading rumors left and right. You...
A. Unmask him/her in public. (Go to 5)
B. Secretly informs everyone you know about the situation.
(Go to Q6)
Q4. Your brother decides to do something you think is wrong. Would you tell your parents?
A. No (Profile A)
B. It depends (Profile B)
Q5. You know that lately Lisa can't stand Martin. Lisa ask you if you are aware of the situation? Do you tell her the truth?
A. No (Profile C)
B. Yes (Profile B)
Q6. A friend of yours tells you a secret.
A. You're somewhat embarrassed. You keep asking her if she's glad to tell you. (Profile C)
B. Satisfied, you run to tell you classmate, the janitor and you cousin. (Profile D)
Profile A : Mum's the world
You know all the ins and outs of keeping a secret. You're 100% reliable and wouldn't crack even under torture. You're convinced that a secret is a secret only when there's just one person who knows it, and you become suspicious even when it is shared with you. You're the ideal confidante.
Profile B : Secret Agent
Secret keeping is your job. If you so deem, a secret will forever stay a secret with you, but only if you yourself make that decision. otherwise, it can be used as a secret weapon, and you know this all too well. You're careful and a great observer as nothing escapes your gaze. Once you've decided to keep a secret, no one can get in your way. You easily come up with excuses for not giving it away. You always assess each secret with great skill and are in command of every situation.
Profile C : Apprentice
No, you're not inclined to gossip. You know how to keep a secret as long as the person who tells you ask you to keep silent first. If not, you may tend to run off at the mouth, but not out of meanness. These little slip-ups may indicate that you've got some problems managing your own secrets. Keep practicing the fine art of keeping a secret and don't worry, you'll learn quick enough!
Profile D : The Daily Blab
Secret? Did I hear secret? Anybody got a secret? Not anymore... You love nothing more than spilling the beans, telling everyone everything every time, and you see nothing wrong with that. The important thing is to have fun, right? As soon as you find out something juicy, you divulge it to the next passer by. With your talent, you should consider a career in journalism, although your friends should definitely think twice before letting you in on their secrets.